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About Empowered Girls of North Carolina

Empowered Girls of North Carolina (EGNC) is a non-profit organization that enhances the quality of girl's lives by providing programming that builds integrity, respect and self-worth. That is our mission! Our primary goal is to empower girls to be successful young women that exemplify the sum of our quality programming and the experiences that they have received by being a part of this girl serving organization. 


At Empowerd Girls, we believe that every girl has the potential to achieve great things. We are dedicated to helping girls embrace who they are, define their future, and change the world.

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Our Mission

Our Mission


Enhancing the quality of girls’ lives by providing programming that builds integrity, respect and self-worth.

Our  Vision

Our  Goals

  • Girls having big dreams and having the tools and resources to achieve them.

  • Girls being prepared to successfully apply & be chosen for college and jobs.

  • Girls see themselves as change agents for their own communities.

  • Educated women who are investing and raising expectations in the community.

  • Reliable, smart community leaders.

  • Increased number of women-owned businesses.

Our  Commitment

Empowered Girls of North Carolina’s goal is to foster a commitment to young girls that will promote pro-social friendships, strong interpersonal skills, academics and strong leadership skills that will direct them to seeking a higher education that will lead to becoming empowered young women who will serve their communities.

Empowered Girls of North Carolina exists to empower girls to become responsible, self-reliant, confident girls with respect for self and others. Our primary goal is to lead girls to become successful young women that are equipped to make changes in the world.

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